Book POINT / COUNTERPOINT. Contemporary Mexican Photography. Essays by Alejandro Castellanos, Mauricio Ortiz, Deborah Klochko, Gerardo Montiel Klint. Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diengo California, United States. November 2017.
Revista Harpers Bazar. Artículo de Stuart Franklin. Marzo 2016.
The Documentary Impulse, por Stuart Franklin. Editorial Phaidon Press. 2016.
Book MUMA. Kinderwunsch in the articles from Magali Lara and Lorena Wolfer. 2015. México.
Catalog from the exhibition Narrativas Domésticas. Curated by Pedro Vicente. VISIONA Festival. Artists: Richard Billingham, Ana Casas Broda, Trish Morrisey, Ramón Día, Virginia Esta, Paco Gómez. November 2013- February 2014. Huesca, Spain.
Book HOMETRUTHS - MOTHERHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHY AND IDENTITY Exhibition curated by Susan Bright. It includes work from: Janine Antoni (USA), Elinor Carucci (Israel), Ana Casas (Mexico), Fred Huning (Germany), Leigh LeDare (USA), Alessandra Sanguinetti (Argentina). Photographers Gallery London, UK (and touring in Europe and the US) Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. October 11th- January 4th, 2014.
Book Kinderwunsch, La Fábrica, España, in collaboration with Fundacion Televisa, Programa a Fomento y Coinversiones Culturales, FONCA, Mexico, Austria, and Hydra, Mexico. Essay from Susan Bright.
Book Arte Español Contemporáneo, by Rafael Doctor Roncero. Fundación Helga de Alvear in Cáceres, Casa Encendida in Madrid, y CAC Gas Natural Fenosa in Coruña. Spain. 2013.
Book. Genealogías feministas en el arte español (Feminist Genealogies in Spanish Art). Exhibition and book curated by Patricia Mayayo and Juan Vicente Aliaga. May, 2012-January 2013.
Book. Mexican Portraits, by Pablo Ortiz Monasterio. Lunwerg Publishers, Spain, Televisa Foundation. English edition Aperture, USA. November 2012.
Mujeres detrás de la lente: 100 años de creación fotográfica en México. Curated by Emma Cecilia García Krinsky. Exhibition and book. Galería el Cubo, Centro Cultural Tijuana. September-December 2011.
El Chopo. Yearbook. 1975-2010. Catalog of the Museum’s history. El Chopo University Museum. National University of Mexico. Mexico City, December 2012.
Apertures. Catalog for the reopening of El Chopo University Museum. National University of Mexico. Mexico City,December 2012.
The selfportrait in Contemporary Photography, by Susan Bright. Editorial Thames and Hudson. London, England. September 2010.
Book No sabe/no contesta. Fotografía desde América Latina. A Galería Arte x Arte project, coordinated by Eduardo Medici. Rodrigo Alonso, ed. Buenos Aires Argentina, 2008.
Interview in the book Conversaciones entorno a la fotografía, Claudí Carreras Guillén, colección FotoGGrafía, editorial Gustavo Gili. Spain, 2007.
Book 160 años de Fotografía en México. Editorial OCEANO. México. 2005.
Book Matices. Fundación Cima, Mexico City. 2003.
Book Mapas abiertos. 1991/2002. Fotografía contemporánea Latinoamericana. Exhibition and book edited by Lunwerg Editores. Spain, 2004.
Book Álbum. Editorial Mestizo, Murcia, Spain. Enero 2001.
Book Cuatro Direcciones. Fotografía contemporánea española. 1970-1990. Lunwerg Editores, Madrid, Spain 1991.
Book Fotografía Latinoamericana: Tendencias Actuales. Universidad Hispanoamericana Sta María de la Rábida. Huelva, Sevilla, Spain, 1992.
Catalog Taboo. 6 Photographers from Austria. Backlight. 7th Internacional Triennal in Tampere, Finlandia, 2005. Travelling show in Europe.
Catalog Femeninos Festival internacional PhotoEspaña. Madrid, Spain, junio/julio 2002.
Catalog Territorios Singulares. Fotografía contemporánea mexicana. Feria Internacional de Arte, Arco. Canal de Isabel II. Madrid, Spain, 1997. Traveling exhibition shown in Spain, Germany, Russia and Austria.
Catalog Festival Fotoseptiembre, 1993, 1994 and 1996 editions. Centro de la Imagen. Mexico City.
Catalog Nueva Lente. Canal de Isabel II. Madrid, Spain, 1993.
MAGAZINES (selection)
EXIT. Autobiography. Issue 49. Spain. 2013.
PHOTO+. Corea. October 2012.
Literal. Voces latinoamericanas. Summer 2012. Vol 29. August, 2012.
Picnic. Made in México. 100 projects. Num 47.
C-Photo. Young Latin American Photography. Guest Editor, Martin Parr. Text by Vik Muniz. Yvory Press. May, 2012.
Tiger magazine. Spain. May, 2012.
Luna Córnea. Voyage to the Centro de la Imagen I. Article and images from Ana Casas. Centro de la Imagen, Mexican National Fund for Culture and the Arts.. Mexico City January 2012.
British journal of Photography. London, England, November 2010.
Deep. Mexico City. June 2010.
Fotoicon, Mexican Contemporary Photography. London, England. 2009.
Picnic. Mexico City. February-March 2008.
Debate feminista, Las raras, vol. 29, April 2004.
Portfolio in the magazine Sacbé, vol. 12, 1997. Mexico City.
Luna Córnea, vol. 4: The body. Article El torbellino de los Cuerpo: Ana Casas, Oweena Fogarty y Eugenia Vargas, by David Huerta. Centro de la Imagen, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1994.
Poliester vol. 2, no. 5, 1993. Mexico City.
Portfolio in the supplement Reforma, Mexico City 1993. Mexico City.
Portfolio in the supplement Unicornio, Por Esto magazine, Mexico City.
Photographers Magazine, vol. 20, 1993. Atenas, Grecia.
Viceversa, vol. 3, 1993. Mexico City.
La Fotografía, vol. 35, 1993. Barcelona, Spain.
Artes de México,1993, Mexico City.